Representation of Old Age and Pain in Iris


  • Fatma Kalpaklı SELCUK UNIVERSITY


Adapted for the screen by Sir Richard and Charles Wood and directed by Sir Richard Eyre,  Iris tells the life story of famous British philosopher and novelist, Iris Murdoch. Her husband, John Bayley writes two books entitled Iris: A Memoir and Elegy for Iris with reference to the health problems, Murdoch has towards the end of her life.  Relying on these two books, the movie Iris came out in 2001, three years after Murdoch’s death. In the movie, it is shown how Iris suffers from loss of brain power and Alzheimer as she gets older and how this situation gives pain both to her and her husband, Bayley.  Hence,  in this study, how lives of elderly and their loved ones change after illnesses and their pain will be analyzed in reference to Iris Murdoch’s real life story as it is depicted in the movie, Iris.



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How to Cite

Kalpaklı, F. (2017). Representation of Old Age and Pain in Iris. Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, 5(9), 65–72. Retrieved from



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