The Analysis of EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of CALL and Variables Influential on Teachers’ Attitudes
While a number of studies have been conducted as regards the impact of computer-assisted language learning on students; EFL teachers’ perceptions and attitudes with respect to CALL have received little attention. Most of the researches carried out on CALL are respectively related to CALL-classroom comparisons, learners’ beliefs, perceptions, readiness and trainings of CALL. Defined by Levy (2008) as “the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning“ (p.1); CALL is mostly perceived as a method analysed from the students’ points of view altough teachers’ attitudes and skills in relation to CALL attach much importance as well. Deriving from the need to fill in this gap in the field; this study aimed to investigate EFL teachers’ perceptions of CALL besides their attitudes which have a significant effect on the effectiveness of the method on language learning. What’s more; this study focused on language skills taught by means of CALL, teachers’ preferences with respect to the programmes and their aims in using Computer-assisted language learning method. In frame of the study; quantitative data were gathered by means of the questionnaire through which participants were asked for their demographic information and their attitudes towards CALL. Data taken from the respondents were analyzed via SPSS (version 15) in order to answer three research questions concerning the aim of the study. Overall findings indicated that participants had positive perceptions of CALL altough they had some concerns with respect to their competency in carrying out CALL-based language lesson which mostly derived from the lack of necessary trainings concerning the technological integration into language lesssons, pedagogical necessities to be fulfilled as well as their personal charachteristics and willingness in relation to CALL .
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