The Preincarnated Romantic: The Concept of Redeemer Poet in the Works of William Blake and Nef’î


  • Tuncer YILMAZ Staff, KTU


British Romanticism emerges as a reaction to the rationality and commonsense of the Age of Reason. In fact, it can be considered to be a product of American, French and Industrial Revolutions. Due to its revolutionary nature, Romanticism offers groundbreaking changes in the understanding of universe, nature and man. In literature, these changes can be seen both in the form and content of the works. In addition, inspired by these revolutionary ideas, British romantics such as William Blake redefined the new concept of the poet. To him, the Romantic poet is an inspired and gifted individual who has the ability to see in nature what others cannot. Thus, the poet has the responsibility of informing his fellow man with his prospects. For Blake, the Romantic poet is a redeemer in this sense. On the other hand, it is possible trace Blake’s ideas on the poet, in the works of 17th century Ottoman poet Nef’î. This study attempts to investigate the concept of redeemer poet in both Blake’s and Nef’î’s works in a comparative manner.


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How to Cite

YILMAZ, T. (2019). The Preincarnated Romantic: The Concept of Redeemer Poet in the Works of William Blake and Nef’î. Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, 7(13), 171–181. Retrieved from