An Inquiry into Turkish Academicians’ Willingness to Communicate in English



Willingness to communicate concept has caught the interest of many studies in the field of second language acquisition. Although studies which examine relationship between WTC and foreign language proficiency can be found in the literature, all of them were conducted with the participation of university students; therefore, this study aims to examine the WTC levels of the academicians working at Faculties of Education in Turkey, and the relationship between their willingness to communicate and proficiency as determined by YDS (Foreign Languages Examination). Another aim of this study is to obtain the views of the academicians towards their willingness to communicate in English and explore the factors affecting it. A total number of 450 (53.1% female and 46.9% male) academicians working at the faculties of education different parts of Turkey participated in the questionnaire which was administered online and from these participants eight (three female and five male) of them participated in the interviews. In the light of the study, personal and situational factors affecting the academicians’ willingness to communicate are presented.

Author Biographies

Kenan Çetin, Bartın University

is a Ph. D. candidate at Middle East Technical University and a research assistant at Bartın University in Turkey. His areas of interests include individual differences in language learning, international exchanges, and the use of technology in language teaching and learning.

Ferit Kılıçkaya, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University

holds M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in English Language Teaching from Middle East Technical University in Turkey. He currently works as an Associate Professor in English at Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey. His main areas of interests and publications include the possible beneficial and harmful effects of using technology in language teaching and learning practices in addition to the issues in language testing and evaluation such as peer feedback, online quizzes, and washback. He has published several articles in journals such as Computer-Assisted Language Learning, British Journal of Educational Technology, Journal of Teaching English with Technology, and Educational Studies.


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How to Cite

Çetin, K., & Kılıçkaya, F. (2019). An Inquiry into Turkish Academicians’ Willingness to Communicate in English. Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, 7(13), 289–308. Retrieved from